Rules and regulation

1. This project officially ended on 12 December 2009.

2. If you posted anything or edited anything, please credit yourself as the author.

3. Please just favorite this blog for teammates.

4. Do not link in blog to keep in confidential to other FYP team. (Now you have the right to link it to your blog. :)

5. For outsiders visiting this blog, please do not copy any of our contents or photographs without all our teammates permission. Offenders will be reported.

6. Lastly, please practice PROFESSIONALISM.

7. To copy logbook:
meeting 1 - 13 august

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Saturday, October 10, 2009

meeting 19 - 7 october

10am - 10.30 am (fadh)
4.30pm - 6pm (all except fa)

1. check od (J)
time: 5pm -10.30am
od: 1.632

2. innoculation for s.epi
- take one colony from streak plate
time: 6pm - 12pm

3. antimicrobial testing - ethanolic extract of ginger+lime, lime
mixing of 500ul of ethanolic ginger and 500ul of lime to make 1ml.
reconstitute ethanolic ginger: 1ml distilled water into 0.7027g of extract

disk: nab, distilled water as negative control, lime, ginger+lime (30ul into each disk)
well: nab, distilled water as negative control, lime, ginger+lime (50ul into each well)

time: 6pm - 11.45am