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meeting 1 - 13 august

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Saturday, August 15, 2009

Questioning and notes for you to ponder on.

1) For Antimicrobial testing, which test are we going to do???
Well diffusion and/or disk diffusion and/or dilutions method and/or embedding method?
*By the way, I have founded the name for the antimicrobial testing that we did in FYP 1. The method about dilution one. The method is call dilution plating.
So are we going to do all 4 methods or exclude some of them?
My suggestion was to include all 4 of them because the more tests we do, the more accurate the result is.

2) So we are not doing Garlic and cinnamon anymore?

3) For antimicrobial testing, are we going to test with extract of the raw material or use commercial ones?
If use extract of raw material, we need find protocols on how to extract it.
If use commercial ones, where to buy it and what kind to buy? Oil, capsules, powder, liquid, solid... ?

4) How many agar plate and broth solution do we need to make?
How many grams of LB and broth powder to make how many plates and how much broth?
How many plates do we actually need?
Link to Qn. 1.
If we were to do all 4 methods, dilution plating and embedding need a lot of plates and broths.
In this case, Saline have to be prepared too.
I am suggesting 40 plates and 1000ml of broth, will be discussing it on next meeting.

5) For TLC, we need to test what compound of interest for each plant?
We will be testing the active compounds of the plant that caused the antimicrobial effect of course. So we need go find journals about it.
After that we still need to ponder on how are we going to get the compound of interest to test with the compound of interest in the plant. Don't know what am I saying? I will tell you on next meeting. :S

6) Could you all please update what journals you had on hand?
Pei Yi - 4 journals
1. Antimicrobial Properties Of Extracts Of Allium cepa (Onions) And Zingiber officinale (Ginger) On Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhi And Bacillus subtilis
2. Ginger 1
3. Ginger 2
4. Dilution plating

Posted by: Pei Yi